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Monday, December 15, 2014

For this week I get to choose a topic of my choice.  this weekend I am going to make christmas cookies with my mom!  I am always really into baking and decorating cookies because, that is something that I want to do for a career.  I have made many cakes for the fair, and graduation partys. The picture I posted below is the cake I made for fair this year.

Monday, December 8, 2014

For this weeks topic I have to tell you about something special I can do.  So, it really isnt anything special but I can curl my hair like a boss. For it to look really good you must use a wand curling iron. When i curl my hair I go through about a half can of hair spray. So thats something "special" I can do.

Monday, December 1, 2014

For this weeks topic I have to talk about my four day weekend.  Over the weekend I spent Thanksgiving with my family, and then went Black Friday shopping.  I woke up at 4 in the morning on Firday and went to Meijer.  The rest of that day I spend shopping in Grand Rapids, and stayed up at my grandmas house untill sunday.