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Monday, April 27, 2015


For this weeks topic I have to talk about prom.  To be honest I am very excited to go to prom even though I think that everything is very overrated.  I am more excited for after prom than I am anything else.   We have prom this Saturday and I am very excited to go to prom for the first time.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Spring Break

Over spring break I went to Florida.  One of the days I was in Florida I went to go see the Fast and Furious 7 movie with our neighbors boys. The movie was so sad but, I was happy that I got to see it.  We walked about two and a  half miles to the mall to see the movie.  When we were at the movie we ate popcorn and Brielle shoved 120 pieces of popcorn in her mouth while we were at the movies.  When the movie was over we drove back to the condo and went swimming in the ocean till about one in the morning.