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Monday, June 1, 2015

Refection on Blogging

For this weeks topic I have to talk about all the other blogs I have done this year.  I have to answer some questions about if I like'd blogging or if i ever just did it for the fun of it.  Well no, I didn't like blogging I thought it was a waste of time and no one reads in anyways so its kinds just pointless.  Would I ever blog for fun? No, there is nothing fun about blogging. For those people out there that blog for money, get a real job.  If you blog for money you need a new hobby.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Memorial Day

For this weeks topic I have to write about my Memorial Day.  This Memorial Day I didn't do anything, I was sick the whole time.  I barely ever left my bed.  The only thing I ended up doing was going to graduation, to watch some of my friends graduate; so that is how I spent my Memorial Day.

Monday, May 18, 2015

National Month for ???

There is something that people celebrate just about every month, the week of May is national smiles month.  I don't know why or where people come up with these things to make every month. I do think that some people celebrate these national things, probably not a lot that enough people know about it but enough for there to be one. For this month I would want to celebrate national don't do your hair month. I think that we should celebrate this month because I think that people put to much time into doing there hair every day and people should know that they are beautiful no matter what, they don't have to straighten there hair everyday to look pretty.

Monday, May 4, 2015

CInco De Mayo!

For this weeks topic I have to write about Cinco De Mayo!  Cinco de Mayo is a celebration in spain once a year, where people get together to celebrate the anniversary of the battle of Puebla.  I don't think this should be a national holiday because, not everyone needs to celebrate the battle of Puebla.  That is what I think about Cinco de Mayo!

Monday, April 27, 2015


For this weeks topic I have to talk about prom.  To be honest I am very excited to go to prom even though I think that everything is very overrated.  I am more excited for after prom than I am anything else.   We have prom this Saturday and I am very excited to go to prom for the first time.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Spring Break

Over spring break I went to Florida.  One of the days I was in Florida I went to go see the Fast and Furious 7 movie with our neighbors boys. The movie was so sad but, I was happy that I got to see it.  We walked about two and a  half miles to the mall to see the movie.  When we were at the movie we ate popcorn and Brielle shoved 120 pieces of popcorn in her mouth while we were at the movies.  When the movie was over we drove back to the condo and went swimming in the ocean till about one in the morning.  

Monday, March 30, 2015

National Pencil Day

Today is National Pencil Day.  The yellow pencil was first made in 1962, I am not sure who made it..  To be honest I am not a very big fan of pencils and I prefer to use a pen pretty much anytime I can. I do like to doodle a lot, but I don't use a pencil to do it.  If I do happen to use a pencil I use mechanical pencils.  I like them a lot better than the traditional ones. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Topic Of Your Choice

For this week I get to do a topic of my choice.  So, we have our first track meet next Wednesday, the day before we leave for spring break.  To  be honest I don't really want to go to the meet.  I'm not ready to run yet.  I am happy though that this is going to be our last week of school.  I am happy that we are going to get a week off school.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Portrait Photography!!

Today I have to tell you about portrait photography, to take a good picture you must have good lighting, and have your camera on the right setting to as if the people are moving or standing still.  Most of the people are standing still and are taking theses pictures for other people to be able to see like senior pictures.  To Pick a good picture you want to picture to have to correct lighting, and a good background, a portrait picture is a staged picture.  This picture of the baby is a great picture because it had the right lighting and really focuses on the face of the baby.  The second picture of the girl is also a good example of portrait photography because they really collect the colors from the landscape but still focus on the girl, it shows the beauty of both subjects.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Cheaters Never Win!

This week I have to tell you about what I would do if I saw one of my friends cheating, and to be honest I wouldn't do anything because, everyone does it once in there life.  When they do it, it will catch up with them but no one needs to be a snitch about it.  Who cares if someone cheats!  I would like to find one person who has never copied homework, and cheated on a test. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Topic of my choice

Well for this week I get to tell you about whatever I want.  So, my dads completely  redoing my bedroom.  We are putting in new hardwood floor, and painting the whole thing.  I am so excited that I will actually have a nice looking bedroom. Another thing is that my brother is coming home from college this Friday.  I am so happy I get to see him, I haven't seen him since Christmas.  This is what I am happy about this week.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Testing! Testing! Testing!

My topic for this week is to tell you how I feel about testing.  Truth is I think that education relys to much on testing.  Some kids can be really smart and get good grades and still not be a good test taker, but they get judged by the test scores they get.  Like the ACT; I know some very smart people that didn't do good on that test.  Some people just aren't good test takers and I don't think college, and jobs should be based on how well you can answer a pointless question.   Most of the things we test on for standarized test taking is just stupid questions that no one will ever care about. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Top Four

For this weeks topic I have to tell you about the top four things in my life.  Well obviously #1 would be family.  Family and friends becasue, I don't know what I would do without my mom or my brother.  #2 would be school because a good educaction is important and I want to be able to go to a good school.  #3 would be my career, or what I want to go into because, I love making cakes and doing creative things.  #4 would be sports, I love volleyball but it has to be my number 4 because, the other things are just a little more important to me.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Popular President

For my topic this week I have to tell you what president I think had the greatest impact.  To be  honest I don't really know, I have never really payed any attention to politics. The hardest thing I think about being the president is to try and please everyone.  I feel like you would have alot of people hate you.  So that is how I feel about this topic.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Charity Event!

My topic for this week is Charity Event, if i had an extra $100,000 dollars to give away I would buy giraffes.  I would saddle these giraffes up like horses and give them to homeless people.  I would give them to the homeless people so they will have transportation.  This way they would be able to get around and the giraffe could also keep them warm!  This is what I would do with $100,000 dollars of extra money to give away.

Monday, January 26, 2015

I want out of here!

If I could go anywhere right now I would choose to go to the beach, because I love warm weather.  I like to ban tan which can't really happen when im in Michigan in the winter.  I love being able to lay in the sand and swim in the ocean even though I got stung by a jelly fish once.  We go to Florida every sprink break but I wouldn't mind being there right now.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Bug Out!

If I could be any insect I would want to be a Lady Bug because, I think they are cool.  They can fly around and do whatever they want.  I know they have a short lifespan and people don't like them but I like how they look.  I think that ladybugs are cool and they would probably have to be my favorite insect.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Final Exam

One of the tools that we have learned in exploring tech. that I think I will be able to use after graduation is how to set up a website, we learned how to make a website and add information to it, i think this will be a useful skil after graduation. I think I would use this tool in my line of work to make a website for a company.  You can use your webiste to collaborate, and get feedback from people.  People can also learn about your compnay without having to go to your building or calling. I have chosen this tool because I think it is the one I will use most out of them all.

Out of all of the tools I don't think i will ever use RSS feeds again, because if I want to know if something is updated I can just go look.  Also it is very hard to find the exact thing you are looking for when using RSS feeds.

Monday, January 5, 2015

For this weeks topic I have to tell you about my winter break.  Over break I watches over a dozen movies.  I had four christmas partys, one with my dad, and then one with his family and then my moms and her family.  I also went to a new years party wich I didn't end up getting home till 4 in the morning.  Thats about all I did over break.